Frequently Asked Questions
Logging in and Access to AEGC 2021
How do I log into the AEGC 2021 Platform?
The Conference platform is OnAIR. You may use the event platform on both desktop or tablet. We recommend using Google Chrome to access the platform. For Google Chrome download and install instructions, please click here.
Make sure you log in early to update your profile, camera and microphone settings to get the most out of your networking.Step 1: Please click here to access the live portal.
Step 2: You will then be asked to sign in, please do so by using your email address and pin sent to you via email.
Step 3: Accept the Privacy Terms, update your profile and select your time zone for your Program Schedule to update automatically.
If you need to update any profile, camera or microphone settings, please click on your initials on the top right-hand side and select edit settings.
What if I can't access the platform?
If the platform is being blocked by your organisation pass on the below information to your IT team:
Make sure that port 443 traffic is enabled, however enabling UDP 3478 and optionally range UDP 1025-65535 can also help.
Also make sure to whitelist the domains:
- *
- *
Do not forget that some antivirus software will interfere with the operation of OnAir/AirCast as well.
You can find more specific information here:
Restricted Network Guidelines | Vonage Video API Developer (
Have you interacted with us using two different emails?
To access the Conference platform, use the email you registered with. If you do not recall the email you registered with or would like to update your email, contact
Navigating the platform
How do I enter a session on the platform?
Once you are logged in, scroll down the Program Schedule to view the Sessions and click on “Join” to access them. If you would like to view the presentation description and speakers prior to going into the session, you may do so by clicking on the name of the session. This will bring up the information on the right hand side. Please note, sessions will be made accessible at the designated session time.
To go back to the Program Schedule, do not click the “back” arrow in your browser, but instead, click the “Back to timeline” option at the top left-hand side of the platform.
Can I access the abstract posters through the platform?
A “Poster and Art Competition Gallery” will be displayed so that you can view the accepted posters and submitted artwork. This can be found on the right-hand side of the portal. Once you have selected to enter the Gallery, you will be able to see all Posters in one section including the name of the Poster, the authors name and organisation. To view the Poster, hover over the snapshot of the Poster and click on “View Presentation”. You will be able to view the Poster, download the Poster and enter your notes about the Poster that you can export at a later date.
Who do I contact if the platform isn't working?
If you need technical support, simply click on the “Live Support” icon on the top right-hand side of the platform and explain in a few words the issue you are experiencing. The Conference Managers will endeavour to assist as soon as possible.
What time zone is the Conference Program in?
All session times are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), and is the time zone used in Brisbane, Victoria and New South Wales.
How can I ask questions and take notes during sessions?
The “Discussion Forum” will allow you to ask questions to our presenters. Our keynote speakers will be online during their presentation responding to questions for you as they come through.
You may take notes in “My Session Notes”. To export your notes, simply click on the “Export” icon on the top left-hand side of the platform and select “Export My Notes”.
How can I connect with other attendees?
The “Meeting Hub” is a space that you can connect with other attendees by messaging, live chat, live video call or organising a meeting during the Conference once connected. To connect with another attendee, click on their profile in the attendee list and then the “Connect” button next to their profile information.
How long are the sessions available for?
Sessions will be available for attendees for 1 year through the demand library, however attendees won’t be able to download sessions.