Abstract Submission

Short abstract submission is now closed. Thank you to all of you for your submissions.

On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee, the Technical Program Committee, co-chaired by Dr Binzhong Zhou and Ms Alison Troup, invite you to submit a paper for the 3rd Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC 2021) to be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 15 – 20 September 2021. The AEGC 2021 Conference will provide you with a world class forum to showcase your latest technical advances and research achievements in all areas of geoscience related exploration techniques.

Our Conference theme of “Geoscience for a Sustainable World” recognises that transformational change within our industry remains achievable and, as such, we invite contributions from all geoscience related disciplines, highlighting the application of exploration techniques in diverse industries from petroleum, mineral and water resource exploitation to environmental, mining and engineering applications. This should be provided as a short abstract outlining your topic, results and how your research relates to the theme. The oral and poster sessions will be designed around accepted abstracts.

Key Dates

Wednesday 2 September 2020 Short Abstract Open – NOW CLOSED
Monday 7 December 2020 Short Abstracts Close (EXTENDED)  – NOW CLOSED
Thursday 21 January 2021 1st Round Author Notification
Friday 22 January 2021 Extended Abstract Open
Monday 29 March 2021 Extended Abstracts Close
Wednesday 5 May 2021 Author Notification with Feedback
Thursday 20 May 2021 Author Registration Deadline
Friday 28 May 2021 Deadline for Author Update of Extended Abstracts

The Organising and Technical Committee would like to advise that should your abstract be selected for oral presentation and Covid-19 travel restrictions are still in place, the Committees and Conference Managers will investigate virtual presentation options closer to the time. 

AEGC 2021 follows a two-stage abstract submission process: a short abstract for submission and review followed by an extended abstract for publication in the conference proceedings.

Based on short abstract submission, you will be offered either poster or oral presentation opportunity, as the program allows. Accepted papers will be required to submit an extended abstract to be included in the conference digital media for distribution to the conference attendees and presenters will be required to register for the conference.

The Conference Organising Committee is looking forward to presenting a technically strong program for the AEGC2021 and welcomes you, the contributor, to assist us to achieve this aim.

Types of Presentation

At the time of submission, you will be asked to select your preferred presentation type. Not all requests can be accommodated, and the final presentation type will be selected by the Technical Program Committee.

The AEGC 2021 Conference will include presentation types as follows:

Oral Presentation

The number of Oral Presentations able to be accommodated in the program is limited and presentations will be selected by the Technical Program Committee. The duration for oral presentation will be advised to the presenters at the time of selection.

Poster Presentation

The Poster Presentations will be displayed on a poster board without any audio-visual equipment. Poster presentations will be allocated to specific sessions to be advised at the time of selection.

Technical Areas

Sustainability – Geology for the sustainable world
Sustainability – Sustainable exploration
Sustainability – Sustainable mining
Sustainability – Footprint mitigation techniques and practices
Sustainability – Advances in sustainable practices
Sustainability – Environmental management
Sustainability – Sustainable employment
Sustainability – Building and Sustaining High Performing Teams

New economy minerals

Collaborative programs

Geoscience – Hydrogeology and Groundwater
Geoscience – Groundwater and contaminants
Geoscience – Environmental Geology
Geoscience – Engineering Geology
Geoscience – Regional and province studies
Geoscience – Deep crustal studies
Geoscience – Tectonics and Geodynamics
Geoscience – Structural Geology and Geomechanics
Geoscience – Archean and Proterozoic terranes
Geoscience – Magmatic/arc terranes
Geoscience – Geothermal energy
Geoscience – Petroleum Geoscience – Case Studies
Geoscience – Petroleum Geoscience – Unconventional hydrocarbons
Geoscience – Petroleum Geoscience – Petrophysics
Geoscience – Petroleum Geoscience – Petroleum Geophysics
Geoscience – Petroleum Geoscience – Petroleum exploration
Geoscience – Petroleum Geoscience – Petroleum systems
Geoscience – Stratigraphy and sedimentology
Geoscience – Basin modelling
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Mineral exploration
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Minerals Systems
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Deposit types – Gold
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Deposit types – Base metals
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Deposit types – IOCG Deposits
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Case studies
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – New economy minerals
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Undercover exploration
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Coal Geoscience – Coal Exploration
Geoscience – Minerals Geoscience – Coal Geoscience – Case studies

Geophysics – Seismic – Seismic acquisition
Geophysics – Seismic – Seismic processing
Geophysics – Seismic – Seismic interpretation
Geophysics – Seismic – Seismic AVO and inversion
Geophysics – Seismic – Passive seismic and microseismic
Geophysics – Seismic – 3D Seismic for mineral exploration
Geophysics – Reservoir Geophysics – Borehole geophysics and rock physics
Geophysics – Electrical and EM methods
Geophysics – Inversion
Geophysics – Mining geophysics
Geophysics – Coal Geophysics
Geophysics – Geothermal Geophysics
Geophysics – Near surface environmental geophysics
Geophysics – Engineering geophysics
Geophysics – Potential field methods
Geophysics – Undercover exploration
Geophysics – Time lapse geophysical modelling
Geophysics – Case studies

GIS Techniques

Machine Learning

Data visualisation and integration

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Step 1: Click the ‘Submit Abstract’ button.

Step 2: You will be directed to the submission site to create an account. Once an account is created, please verify the account by clicking on the link provided via the account verification email sent to your nominated email address. Please check your ‘junk folder’ if not received.

Step 3: Log in to your account after it has been verified using your email address as username and your nominated password. Please complete your user profile by selecting ‘Edit My Profile’ prior to submitting your abstract. Do note that your photo and biography will be displayed on the Conference mobile app if selected for presentation, thus please include relevant details you wish to be included.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Submit Short Abstract’ button to begin submitting your abstract.

Step 5: Type the title of your abstract in the ‘Abstract Title’ field and type the body of your abstract in the ‘Abstract Body’ field. Do not include the title or author(s) details in the body of your abstract. Complete all other fields, noting those labelled with a (*) symbol must be filled.

Please direct any questions to the AEGC 2021 Conference Managers aegc@arinex.com.au

Rules and Guidelines

Rules and Guidelines – Short Abstract

1. Individuals may submit multiple abstracts as the presenting author.
2. Presenters must disclose any potential conflict of interest.
3. The Technical Program Committee reserves the right to reject submitted abstracts and to reclassify abstracts submitted to a particular theme into a different theme.
4. Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site. Photocopies, posted or emailed abstracts will not be accepted.
5. You must receive the approval of all co-authors before including their names on the abstract.
6. Abstracts will be reviewed after the submission deadline of Monday 7 December 2020. Presenters are not permitted to modify their abstracts after this date.
7. You may withdraw your abstract at any time without notifying AEGC 2021 until Monday 7 December 2020 through the abstract submission site. Abstracts withdrawn after Monday 7 December 2020, must be withdrawn using the ‘Contact Conference Manager’ function via the abstract submission portal. Requests not submitted via the portal will not be considered.

Presenter Agreement

All presenters must agree to the following conditions when submitting an abstract:
1. Affirm that the work has not been or will be published (in print or electronically) or presented elsewhere prior to the AEGC 2021 Conference.
2. Abstracts will be made available in electronic format to Conference participants only.
3. The correctness of the abstracts is the responsibility of the authors. The Conference Managers will not edit the copy although the abstracts will go through a review process for paper selection purpose.
4. As a commitment to attend and support the Conference, the presenters of the accepted papers are expected to register and pay either for the full Conference Program or the day of their presentation, before 20 May 2021 (a reminder will be sent to authors). Failure to register by this date may result in submitted abstracts being removed from the program.
5. The preparation and supply of any handouts or other materials used in any presentation will be the responsibility of the presenter(s).
6. All costs to attend the Conference including registration, travel and accommodation are to be met by the presenters.

Preparing to submit a short abstract

All abstracts must be submitted online via the online abstract submission portal.

Important Submission Elements

  1. Themes: All abstracts must be submitted with up to 3 selections of Technical Areas, listed above.
  2. Abstract Title: Abstract titles are limited to 20 words or less.
  3. Co-authors: Each co-author should be added separately to the submission to ensure proper listing. Enter title, first (given) name, last (family/surname) name, email address, institution/affiliation and country for each author. Please do not list the department/branch in the institution/affiliation field. One person must be identified as the presenting author. AEGC 2021 will only correspond with the presenting author so please ensure all contact details are correct. The order of the authors may be modified at any time prior to the abstract deadline of Monday 7 December 2020.
  4. Presenter Biography: A short biography up to 100 words and photo of the presenter should be provided and will be displayed on the Conference mobile app and website if selected for presentation.
  5. Abstract Text: All abstracts should be 300 words or less. Do not include your title or authors in the abstract text — these items will be collected separately. Do not include Tables or Figures. Do not include references.
  6. Special Characters: Special characters in the main body of the abstract should be entered into the system using formatting functions in the submission system to avoid formatting errors.
  7. Content of the Abstract: There are no specific requirements regarding structure of the abstract.
  8. If your short abstract is accepted, you will then need to submit an extended abstract using the extended abstract template which will be provided in due course. The extended abstracts will be available on the Conference mobile app.

The Conference Organising and Technical Program Committees recognise the time and effort it takes for authors to prepare abstracts, however, we encourage your early submission of your intention to present a paper at the AEGC 2021. This will provide the Technical Program Committee with the ability to determine a preliminary program and promote it to our intended delegates. The Conference Organising and Technical Program Committees are looking forward to presenting a technically strong program for the AEGC 2021 and welcomes you, the contributor, to assist in achieving this aim.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I know if my short abstract was successfully received?
If there are any incomplete steps, you will not be able to submit your abstract. Please complete all required fields marked with red asterisk before submitting your abstract. You will be able to view a proof of your abstract when you click on the Submit button. You will also receive a confirmation email from the system following successful submission of your abstract.

2. Is there a word limit imposed on short abstract title?
Yes, abstract title must not exceed 20 words.

3. Is there a word limit imposed on short abstract text?
Yes, short abstract text must not exceed 300 words. The word count does not include the title, authors’ names or their affiliations which are entered in separate fields when submitting.

4. Should I put the abstract title, authors and affiliations in body of my abstract?
No. These items will be collected separately during the abstract submission process.

5. Can I change my selected theme after I complete my submission?
Yes, you may return to your submission at any time prior to the abstract submission deadline of Monday 7 December 2020 to change the selected theme. Be sure to save your changes and resubmit your abstract.

6. What is the short abstract deadline?
Monday 7 December 2020 (11:59 p.m. AEST).

7. Can I make changes to my short abstract text after the deadline?

8. If I forget to add an author can I do so after the short abstract deadline?
Yes, you can still add an author if necessary, by emailing aegc@arinex.com.au. However, please make every attempt to add all authors during the abstract submission process.

9. Can I submit more than one short abstract as a presenter?

10. When I submit my short abstract, how do I indicate my presentation type (oral or poster)?
You will be asked to indicate your preference at the time of submission. While every attempt will be made to meet your preference, the number of abstracts that can be selected for oral presentation is limited. The Technical Program Committee makes the final decision regarding presentation mode.

11. Is there a limit on the number of co-authors that I can add to my short abstract?

12. If I make a mistake during the short abstract submission process, do I need to start a new submission?
No. You can make changes to your abstract submission at any time prior to the deadline of Monday 7 December 2020 by logging into your eOrganiser Account and selecting the Edit button. Be sure to save your changes and resubmit your abstract.

13. Will AEGC 2021 edit my abstract?
No. Once you submit your abstract, it will not be edited in any way for content. Typographical or grammatical errors that appear in your abstract submission will also appear in the final online Technical Program. Abstracts may be formatted only to follow AEGC 2021 publication guidelines or requirements.

14. Can I submit an extended abstract without submitting a short abstract?

Author Notification

Authors will be notified on Thursday 21 January 2021 should their short abstract is accepted or otherwise.

If your short abstract is accepted, you will then need to submit an extended abstract using the extended abstract template which will be provided in due course. The extended abstracts will be available on the Conference mobile app.

The Technical Committee reserves the right to relegate your short abstract which was accepted as an oral presentation to a poster presentation should an extended abstract not be received by the due date.